new-3rd BIMP-EAGA TVET Conference 2023

3rd BIMP-EAGA TVET Conference 2023

Timbalan Pengarah MyRIVET, Professor Madya Ts. Dr. Lai Chee Sern, telah dijemput sebagai pengucaptama di


3rd BIMP-EAGA TVET Conference 2023 anjuran SARAWAK Skills yang telah diadakan pada 8hb hingaa 9hb Mac 2023. Selain itu, PM Ts. Dr. Lai Chee Sern juga terlibat sebagai panel forum yang membincangkan topik berkaitan "Green TVET" di persidangan yang sama.

Our Focus

"The research & consultation projects conducted by MyRIVET are focused 5 (five) clusters which cover the areas of innovation, policy formulation, TVET talent development, lifelong learning as well as STEM within the context of TVET"